Google Authenticator

Google Authenticator | 2022

Role | UX UI IxD iA UXW

Authenticator apps can provide an extra layer of security to user accounts. They generate codes to use as a second step when signing in to an online account. In the case of the Google Authenticator

Improving a visible but niche product like this holds immense value. Especially in the context of the Safer with Google initiative, I saw the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the security product portfolio. By enhancing the existing authenticator app, we aimed to provide a more robust and reliable authentication method to users, which could ultimately help to safeguard their digital accounts and personal information.

As UX lead on the project, I was responsible for conducting a comprehensive audit of the existing app, gathering feedback from users and team members, and creating a revised app design that addressed identified areas of improvement. I also worked closely with the engineering team to ensure functional parity between iOS and Android platforms to provide a uniform experience for users.

Regarding the new app icon & illustrations, I had the privilege of collaborating with a visual designer who produced great illustration work. Together, we created a stronger brand identity for the app with the ultimate goal of making it more recognizable and appealing to users.

You can find some press coverage on the Google Security Blog, The Verge, and Engadget.


  • Get buy in from stakeholders to make changes to the existing Authenticator experience
  • Modernize the app end-to-end and bring the best functions of the iOS and Android versions together
  • Rewrite the existing copy to meet modern standards.
  • Bring functional parity between iOS and Android platforms to provide a uniform experience for users (and any further updates could be applied to both platforms)
  • Add the ability to back up codes to the Google Account (cloud syncing), yet maintain the ability to stay offline if desired
  • Introduce new branding that folds Authenticator under Google's umbrella of products


  • Identify the Authenticator app as meaningful opportunity
  • Conduct a comprehensive audit of the existing Google Authenticator app
  • Gain team members' support for proposed updates and improvements
  • Analyze online sentiment and user reviews to gather feedback on existing app features
  • Create a revised app design that addresses identified areas of improvement
  • Frequent team meetings to ensure consistent alignment and comprehension of the project's vision and objectives
  • Coordinating UX collaboration with PM, legal, VisD, Eng
  • Provide ample opportunity for collaborators to share thoughts & feedback
  • Set up an internal dogfood for the product before launch
  • Prep app for launch (keywords, app store descriptions, co-writing launch blog)


The primary objective of this audit was to thoroughly document and review the key functionality of the existing Google Authenticator experience, and to identify areas where updates and improvements are needed.

By conducting this audit, we aimed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the current system, and to provide actionable insights that can inform the development of a more effective and user-friendly authenticator app.

Reviewing feedback

An essential factor to consider is the wealth of feedback received from public app stores. This feedback provides valuable insights into user thoughts and opinions, making it an invaluable source of data for informing app development choices.

This feedback proved to be invaluable in reminding stakeholders of the value of this app to users and the importanc of making improvements.

The revision

An essential factor to consider is the wealth of feedback received from public app stores. This feedback provides valuable insights into user thoughts and opinions, making it an invaluable source of data for informing app development choices.

This feedback proved to be invaluable in reminding stakeholders of the value of this app to users and the importanc of making improvements.


The UX project focused on revising the authenticator app was a success, resulting in a tangible improvement in the app's visual design, user experience, and functionality.

Online reviews have been generally positive, with the new streamlined design, visual design, and features such as cloud syncing being a particular highlight. Overall, the project has achieved its objectives of creating a more effective and user-friendly Authenticator app, providing a secure and reliable authentication method for users across platforms.