
Foodmonster | 2019

Role | UX UI IxD iA VisD

I designed a large cross platform product end-to-end for my application to Google, back when they did design exercises.

The goal was to offer schools a "food tracker" solution that can encourage students to adopt healthy eating habits at an early age, despite challenges such as peer pressure, family influence, and advertising. Additionally, a child's personal food preferences must be taken into account when developing this solution.

Brief outline

  • Provide a "food tracker" solution for schools
  • Encourage students to make healthy food choices
  • Help students develop good eating habits at an early age
  • Address challenges such as peer pressure, family influence, and advertising
  • Consider a child's personal food preferences when developing the solution
  • Create a positive impact on the health and well-being of the next generation.


The project was presented in two formats: a detailed PDF document and a more condensed presentation. The PDF covered the project end-to-end, while the presentation summarized the highlights of the project. Both formats provided valuable insights into the project's goals, strategies, and achievements.

Please note that these were delivered as PDF's. As such, I have converted the main exercises to PNG's for easier viewing on this page, though here's a PDF if it's easier to read.



The project was straightforward to comprehend and effectively addressed the specified requirements. I was hired as an Interaction Designer by Google in 2019.