
Mogo | 2017

Role | Senior UX UI IxD iA

As a full time in house designer at Mogo, I touched on every part of the product at one time or another. This section is a high level overview of some of these parts. Additionally, I grew from intermediate to senior during my tenure at Mogo.

Mogo is a customer-focused online financial services company emphasizing “financial fitness”. We endeavoured to provide top class experiences across the board. From the moment a person becomes aware of our brand and products to their continued success with the tools we provide, we wanted to create the best possible experience. This meant continuously evolving and iterating.


  • Deliver Key Performance Indicators provided by leadership on an ongoing basis
  • Identify key areas for improvement through analysis of analytics, analysis, user data, feedback, interviews, discussions, and social media
  • Leverage learnings from our call center to anticipate and more readily address customer needs by iterating on our products
  • Bring access to financial tools that reward responsible actions, and help customers take control of their finances
  • Bring clarity to our products and how they can benefit customers
  • Design and serve the product in a way that aligns regulatory and legal requirements
  • Ensure experiences are consistent as possible across all platforms, while taking considerations for each
  • Design, create, and maintain design systems that can evolve to create an efficient, effective, process
  • Put the user experience first throughout each element of each product


  • Alongside company and team leadership, using gathered information we identified areas to improve and areas most need of innovation and iteration
  • We got users involved by requesting feedback through e-mail and conducting surveys to get a sense of their needs and challenges
  • We were able to leverage our call center to understand the challenges users faced with our platform and in general. This helped guide our decisions and direction
  • With tools like Jira, Confluence, Slack, Abstract, Google Docs, and Google Sheets we were able to create a flow of information which helped keep team members involved from leadership, legal, copywriters, and developers in sync
  • A/B testing multiple versions of a page, experimenting with copy, CTA’s, structure, and information (and their ongoing results) helped greatly in identifying successful strategies
  • Regularly testing our improvements through prototypes and user panels
  • Worked closely with the development team to ensure we stayed synchronized and educated on the architecture and capabilities of the Mogo platform
  • I experimented with and discussed new technologies and libraries with the design and development team. This lead to Lottie being introduced to the Mogo platform
  • Collaborating with team members on every task meant that many eyes, minds, ears, and voices were on every element. This ensured that we stayed focused and in-line with requirements, while also fostering a strong team bond
  • Regularly scope sprints with development and leadership

MogoMoney cost comparison

This was a tool I designed for the MogoMoney marketing page to help illustrate the cost disparity between an instalment loan and a credit card. You can check this page out under the MogoMoney marketing page section below.

MogoMoney marketing page

Working closely with copywriting, legal, and art direction teams this marketing page was an overhaul from a prior version. The goal of this overhaul was to align the marketing page with Mogo's then new art direction and enhance education on the product. I designed, tested, and created animations and interactions to help communicate the value proposition of MogoMoney. An example of this can be seen under the MogoMoney cost comparison section above.


Credit score dial

I designed this tool for the Credit Score monitoring marketing page to help illustrate how a credit score can affect your financial well being. A user could click or tap on any number range next to the dial or on the dial to get some helpful information. You can check out how it integrated into the Credit score monitoring marketing page below.

Credit score monitoring marketing page

Another overhaul to align the marketing page with Mogo's then new art direction. Interactions and animations were added to give a sense of what to expect from the product and also to guide the user through the page. An example can be seen under the Credit Score Dial section above.

Credit score

MogoCard gallery (in app)

When we launched our first iteration of the MogoCard we wanted to make the experience of selecting your own personal MogoCard something special. Keeping closely in step with the Mogo art direction of the time, I worked closely with the design team and development teams to make this a reality. We faced some interesting interaction and technical challenges along the way: Particularly the process of masking the initial loading under the first animation, then transitioning to loading in the other cards, and finally making it interactive.

MogoCard in wallet

This was a small animation placed on the MogoCard marketing page intended to show the card in action in a MogoMember's wallet.

MogoProtect UI

The goal of this product was to alert the MogoMember if a credit check had been performed on their Equifax credit profile. The radar would show dots corresponding to the number of alerts received. Working closely with the design team, I created the animations, interactions, and UI based on the Mogo design standards and wireframes created by other design team members.


Regularly evolving the Mogo product line was invaluable to my growth as a designer. From iterating on user journeys and flows, to regular user testing, to collaborating with the graphic design team to nail down the right assets and visual style; every element of working with the Mogo design team was a tremendous experience.

The Mogo platform benefited greatly from these iterations, as indicated by a growing user base, growing customer success rates, consistently hitting KPI's, and growing user satisfaction (indicated by ever-improving reviews across social media, feedback, user surveys, and research).